Welcome To MediGemz
This website regularly publishes posts for the medical students & resident interns. The posts are about a variety of topics in Internal Medicine, including orientation about exams, tips in physical examination, important points in common diseases etc. The aim is to help medical students by giving them rapid review and clinical pearls in Internal Medicine topics, with respect to exam as well as clinically.
Featured Posts
Blood Gases
Steps in Blood Gases' Interpretation.
Pleural Effusion
Definition, Types, Causes, Assessment and Treatment of Pleural effusion.
Breath Sounds
Complete account of different Lung Sounds.
Differential Diagnosis of Interstitial Shodowing
Location of Interstitial shadows on Chest radiograph provides important clues to the differential diagnosis of the disease.
Nail Abnormalities
Can you name abnormalities in these flashcards?
Bilateral Hilar Lymphadenopathy
What are the causes of BHL.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Flashcards and an approach to the assessment of DVT
Rapid review of Vitiligo for your upcoming exam.
Examination Tips' POSTS