Pulmonology OSCEs are relatively easy to prepare because there are a limited number of cases that are repeated over and over again.
In this post, you will learn about the most common cases that are encountered in chest disease stations.
Diagnosis and effective management of VTE is very important to reduce morbidity and mortality. This post gives essential pearls for the management of VTE.
Test your knowledge about overdoses and antidotes. There are cards with a drug/toxin name. First, try answering in your head, & then click to reveal the answer.
ECG is one of the most useful bedside diagnostic tools used by health care providers. You will find excellent and practical tips for ECG interpretation.
Aortic stenosis is quickly reviewed in this post with the help of flashcards. For a lasting memory, try to answer in your mind before looking at the answer.
Vitiligo is a dermatological condition that can often be discussed in Internal Medicine exams because of its association with autoimmune conditions. In this post, you will learn some quick facts about vitiligo. These facts are the essentials for your exam viva.
Evaluate your expertise in blood gases' interpretation through these ABG flashcards. Interpret these ABG values yourself first, and then see the answer.