MRCP PACES is a Practice-based exam. Like any other exam, starting the preparation for this is also a major & difficult step. This post gives you some useful tips about ‘How to start preparation for MRCP PACES’.
The tips seem trivial & obvious, yet when organized and followed in a stepwise manner will help you, and save you from a lot of worries.
Tip #1. Exam Orientation
Visit MRCP(UK) PACES official site and take your time to orient yourself with the exam. Knowing about exams that you are taking helps in preparation in a more organized and focused way.
Tip # 2. Practice Skills
MRCP PACES is a performance-based assessment so you shall be mentally ready to practice in addition to studying.
Tip # 3. Study Partner
So as you have to practice, search for your study partner preferably one who is also sitting the same exam.
Tip # 4. Make Schedule
Make a doable schedule e.g. clinical methods in the morning, practicing interactive station with your exam partner in the afternoon, & studying theory in the evening/night.
Tip # 5. Work Smart
Start slow and pace up gradually. Do not exhaust yourself in the very beginning. Keep a maximum of 2-3 clinical methods for one day. At the end of each clinical method, narrate your findings as you would do in the exam. Answer the questions asked by the partner and then discuss the topic among yourselves.
“Slow and steady wins the race” – unless ofcourse you’ve started late and are short of time.
Tip # 6. Practice Interactive Stations
Practice either of the two Interactive stations (Stations 2 and 4) in a day, not both. There is no limit as to how many scenarios you can practice. More, the better.
Tip # 7. Select Book on PACES Preparation
Get yourself good MRCP PACES books. Fortunately, there are a lot of them available. Discuss with your seniors/colleagues and see which book suits you.
Tip # 8. Know Your Weaknesses
After a few sessions of practice, you will come to know about your weak areas. Make a checklist, focus on them one by one, and improve them.
Tip # 9. Improving Communication
Practice speaking the narration in front of a mirror. Also, you may record voice or video on your phones and can hear/see how you are speaking.
Tip # 10. Utilize Available On-line Resources as well
If available to you, watch PACES-related online videos. These are very useful.
So grab your books, a notebook to make checklists, prepare your clinical bag, find an exam partner, AND GET STARTED.
Don’t ‘THINK’ you can do it, ‘KNOW’ You can!