Internal Medicine Pearls
Internal Medicine Pearls
Causes of Bilateral Hilar Lymphadenopathy
Sometimes you may come across a chest x-ray which shows Bilateral Hilar Lymphadenopathy (BHL), so what differential needs to be considered. Here are the differential diagnoses to be considered in such cases. There is a clinical tip here. If there…
Sarcoidosis: Know about it in just less than 5 minutes
Pleural effusion – All that you need to know before the exam
Bronchial breathing: What is it, its mechanism, and what causes
Bronchial breath sounds are loud, harsh and high-pitched breath sounds. These sounds are normal if heard over the tracheobronchial tree, but are considered abnormal if heard over lung tissue upon auscultation. The sound quality is tubular, both inspiratory and expiratory…
Bartter, Gitelman & Liddle Syndromes – Made EASY
PLAB: 30 Seconds General Survey – made simple
Polyphonic & monophonic wheeze – What is the difference
Clinical Examination Stations – Simple yet significant tips
This post will give you some useful tips for the clinical examination stations. Cheers! Being clinicians, we all know the importance of history-taking that it is a way to know the details of presenting symptoms. Clinical or Physical Examination is…
Neurology Examination – Simple tips for MRCP PACES
Here are some very useful tips for the Neurology examination during MRCP PACES! 1) Read the given clinical scenario carefully, & make a provisional diagnosis in your mind about what to expect ahead & how to elicit the signs. 2)…